Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hitch 22 revisited

Hitchens was an agnostic
He called Mother Teresa names
He called Kissinger names
It's great and good to call Kissinger names
But Kissinger is a kind of rhino
Who enjoys people calling him names-
He's as armour plated, if not so short sighted
Hitchens called Clinton names
And Mrs. Clinton too
He said he was also inhaling or maybe not inhaling in Oxford
Standing next to Clinton

Hitchens drank
Hitchens smoked
Hitchens was gonzo without admitting it
A bit homosexual without being that into fucking men
He was very ethical without acknowledging the presence of God
In his life
In the world-

Still it is difficult to encounter a more Godly man
Even if you've not ever met him
If you look at these things in terms of intellectual honesty
And truth be told.

Gautam Mukherjee
22nd December 2011


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