Dream Fight
It was a long drawn argument
But inside a dream
A humdinger-
Give no quarter type of slanging
angry toing and froing
wordy, urgent, but somehow incapable of escalation
As if it was wearing a governor-
Interesting how in a dream you can deftly act out both sides of the fight
With equal gusto
And have the words and thoughts
For all the people in the frame
Only one of whom is you
Or is that truly so?
Not even that-
There's No You-
No one looks like You
But you're there
In spirit
In the heads of others-
Put words in their mouths
All that
It's like playing yourself in Chess
Animating both sides of the table
But not so cerebral
Because you're actually
Or getting others to do it by proxy
But only in your dream-
Waking up is realising
No harm done
It was
No consequence venting
In privacy,in silence, and the dark
Like a sharp thought
Expressed without witnesses
One that
Leaves you unscathed
Not very enlightened
Definitely feeling better.
Gautam Mukherjee
Copyright, Gautam Mukherjee 2012
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