Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Comic Book Campaigning

Who is in the cartoon?
Who is the joke on?
Is it
The mock earnest neta
Thinking he's got the moves
Stats, demographs, castes, segments, splits, bits
Professing instant love-
The, Those
Abstract hordes-

Or the unimpressed janta
That very tangible bussed in
New pajama and turban clad
They're trucked in but untricked
A kind of professional too
They know the rates
And the perks of their participation
And are
Too inured to be conned-
Crowds are crowds but votes are votes.

The pitch from the platform
Suggests lullabies for idiots
Dumb lines
Written by contemptuous cowboys
Riding the campaign bus

The rent a crowd
Waves the provided party flags
And thinks of the money
The outing
The food
The drink
Maybe a trick or two
Admires the helicopters
Careful not to yawn at the promises
Claps because the crowd meisters want you to
They watch you
And won't pay for lack of enthusiasm.

The TV channels
Frantic for TRP
Don't want to be too deep
Cut complexity
Project tamasha cliches
The hot-aired speculation
The heat and dust
The crushed flowers
Lal battis
The easy listening sound bytes.

The papers trying out their trial balloons
Trying to hide their biases
Like indelible tattoos but couched in reasonableness
Sucking up because sucking up now is being counted
And later it will mean
Money and junkets
Awards and prominence
Maybe Internet too
You need to be on the winning side
Or no more wrong than the next scribe.

Gautam Mukherjee
Copyright Gautam Mukherjee 2012


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